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43 - From Teacher to Stand-Up Comedian: Breaking the IVF Stigma Through Humor, Karen Jeffries

With a journey as emotional as infertility, it can be hard for patients to take a step back and laugh at the process. On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin talks to Karen Jeffries (or as you might know her, @hilariously_infertile), a fertility patient trying to help others through their journeys with a little bit of humor. They talk about her fertility journey and how it impacted where she is today. They also discuss how providers can better communicate with their patients and the importance of transparency.

Want more laughs? Karen will be performing a show live in Boston, MA on November 10th. Learn more and purchase tickets here.

42 - Insights from a Futurist: Genetic Engineering, An Interview with Jamie Metzl

Preimplantation genetic testing has opened up a world of helping families have successful pregnancies. But when does the testing and selection of embryos go too far? In this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin talks to Dr. Jamie Metzl, author of Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity. They discuss the implications of advanced technologies such as the future of embryo screening and gene-editing. More importantly, Dr. Metzl discusses the significance of understanding the coming technologies and how those in the fertility field can help prepare their patients and the rest of the world for these changes.

Why IVF Doctors Leave Their Practice: The Reasons Every REI Fellow and Practice Owner Should Know

Physicians with the letters, REI, after their names don’t come cheap.

“Any Fellows you can introduce us to?” I’m often asked at PCRS and ASRM (the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society and American Society for Reproductive Medicine annual meetings, for those not in the field).

“Third years?” I demur, “Nope, they’re all signed. Second years? What month is it? Nope, they’re signed too. I know some first years. Want to talk to them?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” the hiring physicians usually concede.

41 - Are Young REIs Entrepreneurial? One REI Fellow’s Vision for the Field, Eduardo Hariton, MD, MBA

The business of medicine is complicated and more often than not, the concept is split and managed by two people with different backgrounds and education. But what if they merged? On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin talks to Dr. Eduardo Hariton, a clinical fellow at the University of California in San Francisco. While attending Harvard Medical School, Dr. Hariton also attended Harvard Business School, simultaneously earning his MBA. Griffin and Dr. Hariton discuss the merging of business and medicine and how new REIs can gain business skills while still focusing on what is important: the patient.

40 - Inside the Minds of Two Fertility Marketers, An Interview with Rob Taylor

There are lots of variables that make marketing to your patients a challenge. From age to regional differences, it isn’t an easy task and getting someone who understands both the world of marketing and the world of fertility can be beneficial. On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin talks to Rob Taylor, owner of TD Media, another marketing firm helping fertility centers get results. They talk about trends they see in the world of fertility marketing, as well as some strategies that clinics, and physicians, can implement to increase their online presence, in turn, helping them reach their marketing goals.

39 - Can Geographic Location Have An Impact on Fertility Success? An Interview with Dr. Alex Quaas

But think of the differences across the world--it’s hard to fathom! On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin Jones and Dr. Alex Quaas give us a glimpse into (literally) the world of fertility. Having practiced in numerous states and countries, Dr. Quaas shares his experiences, diving into the biggest differences in care he witnessed in Europe and here in the USA.

38 - Building Community: The Rise of Instagram Among REIs, Dr. Candice Perfetto

Growing your followers on social media can be challenging, especially when your niche is focused on fertility. On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin Jones, founder of Fertility Bridge, talks to Dr. Candice Perfetto, a board-certified REI working in Houston, Texas. Dr. Perfetto has grown her following on Instagram to over 10,000 followers and has seen the effort carry over into her practice. She discusses why she got started on Instagram and how she uses social media to build relationships with other practitioners and patients, both near and far. You can find Candice on Instagram at @candiceperfettomd.

37 - Confessions of an IVF Marketer, An Interview with Griffin Jones

We’ve flipped the script on this episode of Inside Reproductive Health and interviewed our esteemed host, Griffin Jones! Stephanie Linder interviews Griffin, founder of Fertility Bridge, and learns the mission of Fertility Bridge and why he chose to help the field of fertility. Griffin also shares his thoughts on who is doing well and what clinics could be doing to reach more patients and make their mark on the field as a whole.

36 - Maintaining Clinic Culture Amidst Continental Growth: Is It Possible? An Interview with Michael Levy, MD

Deciding to expand your practice, either by acquisition or starting new, is an exciting time. But, adding new staff, physicians, and equity partners can come with a handful of problems. On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin Jones, CEO of Fertility Bridge, talks to Dr. Michael Levy, IVF Director and President of Shady Grove Fertility. Shady Grove Fertility is the largest fertility group in America and has over 25 equity partners and almost 1000 employees. Griffin and Dr. Levy discuss the implication of having such a large staff base and just how they manage it, all while keeping the patient at the forefront of their culture.

35 - Gina Bartasi - Can a Direct Service Delivery Model Increase Access to Fertility Care?

Increasing access to care has always been a topic of discussion in the fertility field. On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, CEO and Founder of Fertility Bridge, Griffin Jones, talks to Gina Bartasi, CEO of Kindbody, a women’s health company working to increase access by sending out mobile clinics to reach patients closer to home. They discuss ways that other clinics can meet their patients’ needs, as well as the importance of giving partners and team members positions that match their personality.

34 - How At Risk Are You as a Physician? Mitigating Liability In Your Practice: An Interview with Dr. Steven Katz

A malpractice case can be the end of an REI practice, and with IVF errors often making it into the news, the pressure to be perfect is high. Thankfully, technology aimed to reduce errors has grown. On this episode, Griffin talks to Dr. Stephen Katz, CEO and Founder of REI Protect, a company formed to provide risk management services and coverage for REI practices across the country. They discuss what can go wrong in an office or IVF lab, and, more importantly, how to protect your practice from errors.

33 - Building Consensus in a Multi-Partner Physician Practice: An Interview with Louis Weckstein, M.D.

Growing your practice is exciting and adding in new Physician Partners can mean a lot for both your business and your patients. But adding to your group of decision makers can be intimidating. In this episode, Griffin Jones talks to Dr. Louis Weckstein, Medical and IVF Director and Managing Partner at the Reproductive Science Center of the Bay Area in San Francisco. Dr. Weckstein discusses the importance of building consensus amongst Managing Physicians and three simple ways to help facilitate easier decision making.

32 - Marianne Kreiner - Remote Jobs Are on the Rise: Can REI Clinics Follow Suit Successfully

Working from home has become more and more prevalent across all industries and is starting to catch on in the field of fertility. But how can working from home be beneficial and successful for both employee and employer? On this episode, Griffin Jones talks to Marianne Kreiner, Chief Human Resources Office at Shady Grove Fertility. Together, they discuss how implementing telecommuting in your office can boost employee retention, the importance of building culture with those who work from home, and how to appropriately set up telecommuting employees while following labor regulations.

31 - Lindsay Fischer -Transparency Between REIs and Patients: Bridging an Emotional Disconnect

In this episode, Griffin talks with Lindsay Fischer, best-selling author, co-founder of the InfertileAF Summit, and a member of the Trying-To-Conceive Community. Jones and Fischer discuss the importance of honesty and meeting patients emotionally through their individual fertility journeys. Her unique perspective on the patient experience can help practices build stronger relationships and, in turn, the TTC community as a whole.   

30 - Unpacking Diverse Family Building Paths: An Interview with Dr. Mark Leondires

The world of fertility has grown and changed as the needs of families has changed. And now more than ever before, there are different populations seeking fertility care. In this episode, Griffin talks to Dr. Mark Leondires, a board-certified REI and the founder of Gay Parents-to-Be, about the various paths of family-building and how fertility clinics can provide personalized care to those with differing goals and needs. 

29 - What is shifting the entrepreneurial landscape for incoming REIs? Rhonda Zwingerman, MD

In this episode, Griffin hosts Dr. Rhonda Zwingerman, a fellow OB-GYN and REI at the Royal Surgeons of Canada and an assistant professor of OB-GYN at the University of Toronto. Jones and Dr. Zwingerman talk about the factors shifting the entrepreneurial landscape for incoming REIs including the funding of fertility treatments, the recruiting of REIs, and the risks involved. Tune in to find out more!

28 - Can IVF or Egg Freezing Vacations Abroad Reduce Stress or Financial Woes? An Interview with Joseph Davis, MD

In this episode, Griffin hosts Dr. Joseph Davis, a Reproductive Endocrinologist who saw the need for a fertility clinic in the Cayman Islands and brought his years of experience working in US clinics and his passion for global health policy to a country that never before had this field of medicine. Jones and Davis chat about the world of fertility past the borders of the United States, discussing not only the access to care issues in other countries, but also the traveling of patients from the US to other countries to seek more affordable options, find privacy, or simply relax during the process.

27 - Setting the Vision for Your Practice with Intentional Culture. An Interview with Angie Beltsos, MD

In this episode, Griffin Jones hosts Dr. Angeline Beltsos, CEO and Medical Director of Vios Fertility Institute as well as the founder of Midwest Reproductive Symposium International (MRSi). In the competitive climate of large fertility networks, Dr. Beltsos’ independent fertility center, Vios Fertility, has thrived, largely in part to implementing an intentional culture of transparency. Dr. Beltos discusses how Vios is built on three important pillars: an unparalleled patient experience, early scientific adaptation, and robust and dynamic culture that starts at the head of the team and trickles down.

26 - Passing the IVF Lab Torch: Is the Reluctance to Do So Causing Scarcity? An Interview with Shaun Reed

In this episode, host Griffin Jones chats with embryologist Shaun Reed. As the Embryology Technical Supervisor at Utah Fertility Center, Reed offers a unique perspective on one of the more mysterious parts of any fertility clinic: the lab. Jones and Reed discuss the future of embryology, the differences between millennials and the generations that came before, and Reed’s concerns about the lack of interest in innovation.

25 - Buy-in: Necessary for Successful Implementation of an EMR System? An Interview with Nicole Koczanowicz

In this episode, Griffin Jones hosts Nicole Koczanowicz, the Vice President of Artisan Medical Solutions. Koczanowicz’s focus on adoption and adaptation of Artisan’s EMR program to every practice has set Artisan apart. Jones and Koczanowicz have an honest conversation about the delicate dance between a practice fully adopting a necessary change, to the EMR team adapting to the individual needs and workflow of each practice. After all, Wall Street and Silicon Valley both want your patients, but there is a plan, if you are willing to take action.